Sunday, September 7, 2008


Believers have been taught that our redemption through Christ not only reconciles us with God but it also allows us to become partakers of the inheritance that is a part of His Kingdom and of the promises of Abraham. Wow!! How wonderful is that? Look at what the scriptures says about the Kingdom…righteousness, peace, joy. How about the wealth and prosperity of Abraham? Not bad at all!

Although there are many scriptures even books in the Bible that speak about suffering, rarely are we taught that believers will also partake in suffering. Suffering…what a party crasher. Since this subject is not taught or mentioned often in our Bible studies or church preaching, many who encounter this phenomenon are left feeling forsaken: forsaken by God, our friends, our family and even the church. James 1:2 states that we should count it all joy when and not if we experience sufferings. Suffering includes all types of conflicts and troubles. 1Peter 4:12 says that we should not think that suffering is something strange that just happened to come into our lives, but to rejoice when it happens.

Maybe you are familiar with the book of Job and how he suffered. He experienced enormous losses. His children, his health, and his wealth were all destroyed. Where was the consolation of his wife and friends? They offered none. They only offered accusations in the form of their experiences, their traditions and religiosity. Basically, it was perceived that he got what he deserved. Many of us have suffered loss after loss, not understanding how or why it all happened. Whether our suffering came about from disobedience or not, we share the same feelings of condemnation and being forsaken.

What we must understand and remember during these times is that God never promised us a life without suffering on this earth. What He has promised is that He would never leave us or forsake us (Deuteronomy 31:6). He also promised that He would answer us in times of trouble and deliver us from them (Psalms 91:14-16). As He carries you through the valley of suffering, your true character will be tested and all the impurities will be removed. And when you finally reach the mountain top you will be changed… having a pure heart…and lacking nothing.

By: Minister Bernadette LaMotte

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